TechnoPro Labo
Huntingdon, 111 rue Chateauguay

Virtual repair depot services

This is a quick link to communicate with us in order to evaluate the cost of a repair of your instrument. The repair depot can be used for any type of repairs and any type of laboratory equipment. We will contact you with an evaluation cost for repairs quickly.


Instrument rental services

Do you need to have access to a specific laboratory equipment to move your project forward, but do not have funds available to purchase what you need? Then this service is designed for you. You get access to your instrument and best of all it is hassle free as we also take care of servicing the unit for you if needed at no extra cost.


Instrument purchase services

We have access to a variety of laboratory equipment, new or refurbished to fit your budget. Also, if the capital investment is tight, we offer financing solutions so that you can gain access to your instrument.


Welcome to Technopro

Who is Technopro?

I am Patrick Sabourin the business development, applications specialist and owner of Technopro.

As an analytical specialist I understand the many challenges that laboratories go through in order to maintain their services operating optimally, to meet their budget constraints and to get the support they need rapidly by a qualified person.
This is why, I wanted to create a company that deals differently with these challenges and offer an actual real solution.

Many of my customers ask me, what qualifies you to support our needs.

That’s a great question.
Well, my experience speaks for itself, over 23 years of ongoing customer support with well known laboratory equipment companies.
I have been involved in supporting sales, applications, project management and repair services in many research spaces such as universities, pharmaceutical companies, hospital research and specialized analytical laboratories.

With all this experience, I know for a fact that we can help you.
Contact Technopro today to see how.